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Sunday Service, 2 Corinthians

Paying it Forward

Paying it Forward

2 Corinthians 7:2-16

Elder Max Tsang

24 Apr 2022

00:00 / 35:07


1. We learnt of Paul’s joy in this passage despite his own afflictions. What specifically contributed to his joy? How does his experience encourage or challenge you now or in the future? How can you “pay it forward” to someone? (If you consider yourself ill-equipped, why not join the Ebenezer series workshops?)

2. One of the factors of Paul’s joy was the Corinthian church’s repentance. Summarise your understanding of repentance. (Consider whether repentance is only for pre-believers (at the time of conversion) or for believers as well, the necessary conditions, its outcome etc ...)

3. Have you ever helped someone to repentance? Or think about your own life journey. How can you discern true repentance? You may discuss Dan 4:34-47 or any other relevant bible passages and compare the outcome (actions) with what you have experienced, seen or learnt.

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