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John, Sunday Service

Selfless Servant hood

Selfless Servant hood

John 13:1-30

Ps. Mishael Ortiz

11 Aug 2024

00:00 / 53:50

Sermon Outline

Christianity is selfless servanthood, following Jesus' example of humility and service to others. True Christian faith is not just about professing belief or attending church, but actively serving others with a humble heart in all aspects of life.

Reflection Questions:
1. As you reflect on Jesus washing His disciples' feet, including Judas, how does it challenge your attitude towards serving others, especially those who may be unlovable or hard to serve?

2. Which areas of your life (e.g., family, school, work, church) do you find it most challenging to adopt a servant's heart, and why?

3. What would be one practical step you can take this week to embody Christ-like servanthood in your daily life?

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